Office Master


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The Leads Management module in Office Master helps you manage potential clients and deals effectively. It provides tools to track lead contacts and manage deals, ensuring you can convert leads into clients efficiently. Below are the features available in the Leads Management module and the actions you can take within each category.

1. Lead Contact

1.1 List Lead Contacts

The List Lead Contacts section displays a comprehensive list of all your lead contacts.

  • View Lead Contacts: Check the details of all lead contacts, including names, contact information, and the status of the lead.
  • Search and Filter: Use search and filter options to find specific lead contacts based on various criteria such as name, source, or status.
  • Sort Leads: Sort lead contacts by different parameters such as name, date added, or lead score.
  • Export Contacts: Export the list of lead contacts to a CSV or Excel file for offline analysis or reporting.
1.2 Add Lead Contact

The Add Lead Contact feature allows you to add new lead contacts to your system.

  • Enter Lead Details: Fill in details such as name, contact information, lead source, and any other relevant information.
  • Assign Lead Owner: Assign the lead to a specific team member or sales representative for follow-up.
  • Set Lead Status: Set the initial status of the lead, such as New, Contacted, or Qualified.
  • Save Contact: Save the new lead contact to the system, making it available for follow-up and tracking.


2.1 List Deals

The List Deals section provides a detailed list of all your deals.

  • View Deal Details: Check the details of all deals, including deal value, stage, and the lead or client associated with each deal.
  • Search and Filter: Use search and filter options to find specific deals based on various criteria such as deal value, stage, or owner.
  • Sort Deals: Sort deals by different parameters such as value, date created, or stage.
  • Export Deals: Export the list of deals to a CSV or Excel file for offline analysis or reporting.
2.2 Add Deal

The Add Deal feature allows you to create new deals and associate them with lead contacts or clients.

  • Enter Deal Details: Fill in details such as deal name, value, expected close date, and any other relevant information.
  • Select Lead or Client: Associate the deal with an existing lead contact or client.
  • Set Deal Stage: Set the initial stage of the deal, such as Prospecting, Negotiation, or Closed Won.
  • Assign Deal Owner: Assign the deal to a specific team member or sales representative for follow-up.
  • Save Deal: Save the new deal to the system, making it available for tracking and management.


The Leads Management module in Office Master provides comprehensive tools for managing lead contacts and deals. By leveraging these features, you can effectively track potential clients, manage sales processes, and convert leads into successful deals. This module ensures that you have all the necessary information and tools to nurture leads and close deals efficiently.

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