Business Master


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The Repair module of the system enables users to manage repair jobs, create and maintain job sheets, handle invoices, manage brands, and configure repair-related settings. This module ensures efficient handling of repair activities, accurate tracking of job progress, and comprehensive invoicing. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform various tasks within the Repair module.

1. Job Sheets

The Job Sheets feature allows users to create and manage job sheets for repair jobs.

  • View Job Sheets List: See all job sheets with details such as job sheet number, customer, device, issue, and status.
  • Search Job Sheets: Use the search bar to find specific job sheets by job sheet number, customer, or other attributes.
  • Filter Job Sheets: Apply filters to narrow down the job sheets list based on criteria such as date range, customer, device, status, etc.
  • Sort Job Sheets: Sort the job sheets list by different criteria such as date, customer, device, or status.

2. Add Job Sheet

The Add Job Sheet feature allows users to create new job sheets for repair jobs.

  • Enter Job Details: Specify details such as customer information, device, issue, and any additional notes.
  • Assign Technician: Assign a technician to the repair job.
  • Set Job Status: Define the current status of the job (e.g., pending, in progress, completed).
  • Add Parts and Services: List any parts and services required for the repair.
  • Save Job Sheet: Confirm and save the job sheet.

3. List Invoices

The List Invoices feature allows users to view and manage all invoices related to repair jobs.

  • View Invoices List: See all invoices with details such as invoice number, job sheet number, customer, amount, and status.
  • Search Invoices: Use the search bar to find specific invoices by invoice number, job sheet number, customer, or other attributes.
  • Filter Invoices: Apply filters to narrow down the invoices list based on criteria such as date range, customer, status, etc.
  • Sort Invoices: Sort the invoices list by different criteria such as date, customer, amount, or status.

4. Add Invoice

The Add Invoice feature allows users to create new invoices for repair jobs.

  • Select Job Sheet: Choose the job sheet for which the invoice is being created.
  • Enter Invoice Details: Specify invoice details such as date, customer information, and total amount.
  • Add Line Items: List the parts and services included in the invoice, along with their quantities and prices.
  • Apply Discounts: Add any applicable discounts to the invoice.
  • Save Invoice: Confirm and save the invoice.

5. Brands

The Brands feature allows users to manage the brands of devices being repaired.

  • View Brands List: See all brands with details such as brand name and description.
  • Add Brand: Create new brands by specifying the brand name and description.
  • Edit Brand: Modify existing brand information.
  • Delete Brand: Remove brands that are no longer needed.
  • Search Brands: Use the search bar to find specific brands by name or description.
  • Filter Brands: Apply filters to narrow down the brands list based on criteria such as name or description.

6. Settings

The Settings feature allows users to configure various repair-related preferences and options.

  • Configure Job Sheet Settings: Set preferences for job sheets, such as default job status, technician assignment, and notification settings.
  • Manage Invoice Settings: Define settings related to invoicing, such as default terms, tax rates, and payment methods.
  • User Permissions: Define user roles and permissions for accessing and managing repair features.
  • System Settings: Adjust system settings related to the repair processes and workflows.
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