Business Master


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The Purchases module of the system allows users to manage all aspects of their purchasing activities. This includes listing purchases, adding new purchases, and managing purchase returns. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform various tasks within the Purchases module.

1. List Purchases

The List Purchases feature allows users to view and manage all purchase transactions.

  • View Purchase List: See all purchase transactions with details such as purchase date, supplier, total amount, and status.
  • Search Purchases: Use the search bar to find specific purchases by supplier, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter Purchases: Apply filters to narrow down the purchase list based on criteria such as date range, supplier, status, etc.
  • Sort Purchases: Sort the purchase list by different criteria such as date, supplier, or total amount.

2. Add Purchase

The Add Purchase feature allows users to record new purchase transactions.

  • Enter Supplier Details: Select or enter the supplier’s information.
  • Add Products: Choose the products being purchased and enter quantities and prices.
  • Set Payment Terms: Define the payment terms for the purchase, including due dates and payment methods.
  • Add Notes: Include any additional notes or comments related to the purchase.
  • Save Purchase: Confirm and save the purchase transaction.

3. List Purchase Returns

The List Purchase Returns feature allows users to view and manage all returned purchases.

  • View Return List: See all purchase return transactions with details such as return date, supplier, total amount, and status.
  • Search Returns: Use the search bar to find specific returns by supplier, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter Returns: Apply filters to narrow down the return list based on criteria such as date range, supplier, status, etc.
  • Sort Returns: Sort the return list by different criteria such as date, supplier, or total amount.
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