Business Master


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The Expenses module of the system allows users to track and manage business expenses, ensuring accurate financial records and better cost control. This module includes features for listing expenses, adding new expenses, and managing expense categories. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform various tasks within the Expenses module.

1. List Expenses

The List Expenses feature allows users to view and manage all expense transactions.

  • View Expenses List: See all expense transactions with details such as expense date, category, amount, and description.
  • Search Expenses: Use the search bar to find specific expenses by category, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter Expenses: Apply filters to narrow down the expenses list based on criteria such as date range, category, amount, etc.
  • Sort Expenses: Sort the expenses list by different criteria such as date, category, or amount.

2. Add Expense

The Add Expense feature allows users to record new expense transactions.

  • Enter Expense Details: Input basic information such as expense date, amount, and description.
  • Select Category: Choose the appropriate category for the expense.
  • Attach Receipts: Upload any relevant receipts or supporting documents.
  • Add Notes: Include any additional notes or comments related to the expense.
  • Save Expense: Confirm and save the expense transaction.

3. Expense Category

The Expense Category feature allows users to manage the categories for organizing expenses.

  • Add Category: Create a new expense category.
  • Edit Category: Modify existing expense categories.
  • Delete Category: Remove categories that are no longer needed.
  • Assign Expenses: Categorize expenses to ensure accurate reporting and analysis.
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