Business Master


Estimated reading: 3 minutes 21 views

The Contacts module of the system enables users to manage all interactions with suppliers and customers, ensuring efficient communication and relationship management. This module includes features for managing suppliers, customers, customer groups, and importing contacts. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform various tasks within the Contacts module.

1. Suppliers

The Suppliers feature allows users to manage all supplier-related information and interactions.

  • View Suppliers List: See all suppliers with details such as name, contact information, and transaction history.
  • Add Supplier: Enter new supplier details including name, contact information, address, and any relevant notes.
  • Edit Supplier: Modify existing supplier information.
  • Delete Supplier: Remove suppliers that are no longer needed.
  • Search Suppliers: Use the search bar to find specific suppliers by name, contact, or other attributes.
  • Filter Suppliers: Apply filters to narrow down the suppliers list based on criteria such as location, type, or transaction history.

2. Customers

The Customers feature allows users to manage all customer-related information and interactions.

  • View Customers List: See all customers with details such as name, contact information, and transaction history.
  • Add Customer: Enter new customer details including name, contact information, address, and any relevant notes.
  • Edit Customer: Modify existing customer information.
  • Delete Customer: Remove customers that are no longer needed.
  • Search Customers: Use the search bar to find specific customers by name, contact, or other attributes.
  • Filter Customers: Apply filters to narrow down the customers list based on criteria such as location, type, or transaction history.

3. Customer Groups

The Customer Groups feature allows users to organize customers into groups for better management and targeted communication.

  • View Customer Groups List: See all customer groups with details such as group name and number of customers in each group.
  • Add Customer Group: Create new customer groups by specifying the group name and adding customers to the group.
  • Edit Customer Group: Modify existing customer groups by changing the group name or updating the list of customers in the group.
  • Delete Customer Group: Remove customer groups that are no longer needed.
  • Assign Customers to Groups: Easily assign or reassign customers to different groups.

4. Import Contact

The Import Contact feature allows users to bulk upload supplier and customer information using a CSV file.

  • Download Template: Download the CSV template to ensure proper formatting.
  • Fill Template: Enter contact details into the CSV file.
  • Upload File: Upload the completed CSV file to the system.
  • Review Import: Review the import summary and correct any errors if necessary.
  • Import Contacts: Confirm and import the contacts into the system.
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