Office Master


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The Settings Management module in Office Master is designed to help you configure and customize various aspects of the system to meet your organization’s specific needs. This module includes features for managing company settings, business addresses, notification settings, and more. Below are the features available in the Settings Management module and the actions you can take within each category.

1. Company Settings

The Company Settings section allows you to define and update basic information about your company.

  • Update Company Information: Enter and update company details such as name, logo, industry, and contact information.
  • Configure Business Hours: Set standard business hours and working days.
  • Define Company Policies: Document and update company policies and guidelines.

2. Business Address

The Business Address section enables you to manage your company’s physical and mailing addresses.

  • Add Business Address: Enter new business addresses for various office locations.
  • Edit Business Address: Update existing address details.
  • Set Primary Address: Designate a primary address for official communications.
  • Remove Address: Delete outdated or incorrect addresses.

3. App Settings

The App Settings section allows you to configure general settings for the Office Master application.

  • Configure App Preferences: Set preferences for date format, time zone, and language.
  • Enable/Disable Features: Turn on or off specific features and modules within the application.
  • Update App Version: Manage application updates and version control.

4. Profile Settings

The Profile Settings section lets users update their personal profile information.

  • Edit Profile Information: Update details such as name, email, phone number, and profile picture.
  • Change Password: Update account password for security purposes.
  • Manage Personal Preferences: Set personal preferences for notifications, themes, and language.

5. Notification Settings

The Notification Settings section allows you to manage how and when users receive notifications.

  • Configure Notification Channels: Choose preferred channels for notifications (e.g., email, SMS, in-app).
  • Set Notification Triggers: Define specific events or actions that trigger notifications.
  • Customize Notification Templates: Edit the content and format of notification messages.

6. Currency Settings

The Currency Settings section enables you to manage the currencies used in financial transactions.

  • Add New Currency: Enter details for new currencies.
  • Edit Currency Details: Update exchange rates and currency symbols.
  • Set Default Currency: Define the default currency for transactions.

7. Payment Credentials

The Payment Credentials section allows you to manage the credentials for payment gateways and processors.

  • Add Payment Gateway: Enter credentials for new payment gateways.
  • Edit Payment Gateway Details: Update existing payment gateway information.
  • Remove Payment Gateway: Delete credentials for obsolete or unused gateways.

8. Finance Settings

The Finance Settings section provides options for configuring financial operations.

  • Set Payment Terms: Define standard payment terms for invoices and contracts.
  • Configure Tax Rates: Enter and update tax rates applicable to transactions.
  • Manage Financial Reports: Set preferences for generating and exporting financial reports.

9. Contract Settings

The Contract Settings section allows you to manage contract-related configurations.

  • Define Contract Templates: Create and edit templates for standard contracts.
  • Set Approval Workflows: Configure approval workflows for contract signing and management.
  • Manage Contract Notifications: Set up notifications for contract milestones and expirations.

10. Tax Settings

The Tax Settings section lets you manage tax configurations for your business.

  • Add Tax Rates: Enter new tax rates for different regions and products.
  • Edit Tax Details: Update existing tax rate information.
  • Set Tax Exemptions: Define exemptions for specific products or services.

11. Ticket Settings

The Ticket Settings section provides options for configuring the ticketing system.

  • Set Ticket Priorities: Define and manage priorities for support tickets.
  • Configure Ticket Types: Create and edit types of tickets based on issue categories.
  • Manage SLA Policies: Set service level agreements (SLAs) for ticket resolution times.

12. Project Settings

The Project Settings section allows you to manage project-related configurations.

  • Set Project Templates: Create and manage templates for different project types.
  • Define Project Stages: Establish stages and workflows for project management.
  • Configure Project Notifications: Set up notifications for project milestones and updates.

13. Attendance Settings

The Attendance Settings section provides options for managing employee attendance.

  • Set Attendance Policies: Define attendance policies, including working hours and leave types.
  • Configure Attendance Tracking: Enable or disable attendance tracking features.
  • Manage Attendance Notifications: Set up notifications for attendance irregularities and approvals.

14. Asset Settings

The Asset Settings section allows you to manage configurations for asset management.

  • Define Asset Categories: Create and manage categories for different types of assets.
  • Set Asset Policies: Establish policies for asset allocation, maintenance, and disposal.
  • Manage Asset Notifications: Configure notifications for asset check-ins, check-outs, and maintenance.

15. Payroll Settings

The Payroll Settings section provides options for managing payroll processes.

  • Set Payroll Cycles: Define payroll cycles and payment schedules.
  • Configure Salary Structures: Set up salary structures and components.
  • Manage Payroll Reports: Generate and export payroll reports.

16. Purchase Settings

The Purchase Settings section allows you to manage purchase-related configurations.

  • Set Vendor Policies: Define policies for vendor management and procurement.
  • Configure Purchase Orders: Set up templates and workflows for purchase orders.
  • Manage Purchase Notifications: Set up notifications for purchase order approvals and deliveries.

17. Recruit Settings

The Recruit Settings section provides options for managing recruitment processes.

  • Set Job Templates: Create and manage templates for job postings.
  • Configure Interview Stages: Define stages and workflows for the interview process.
  • Manage Recruitment Notifications: Set up notifications for job applications and interview schedules.

18. Zoom Settings

The Zoom Settings section allows you to manage configurations for Zoom meetings.

  • Enter Zoom Credentials: Enter and update credentials for the Zoom integration.
  • Configure Meeting Settings: Set default settings for Zoom meetings.
  • Manage Zoom Notifications: Set up notifications for scheduled and upcoming meetings.

19. Leaves Settings

The Leaves Settings section provides options for managing leave policies.

  • Define Leave Types: Create and manage different types of leave (e.g., sick leave, vacation).
  • Set Leave Policies: Establish policies for leave accrual and approval.
  • Manage Leave Notifications: Configure notifications for leave requests and approvals.

20. Custom Fields

The Custom Fields section allows you to add and manage custom fields for various modules.

  • Add Custom Fields: Create custom fields for specific modules such as projects, tasks, and clients.
  • Edit Custom Fields: Update details of existing custom fields.
  • Remove Custom Fields: Delete custom fields that are no longer needed.

21. Roles & Permissions

The Roles & Permissions section provides options for managing user roles and access permissions.

  • Define User Roles: Create and manage different user roles within the system.
  • Set Access Permissions: Assign permissions to user roles for accessing specific modules and features.
  • Update Role Details: Edit role descriptions and permissions as needed.

22. Message Settings

The Message Settings section allows you to manage configurations for messaging and communications.

  • Configure Messaging Channels: Enable or disable specific messaging channels (e.g., email, SMS).
  • Set Message Templates: Create and edit templates for automated messages.
  • Manage Message Notifications: Configure notifications for new messages and replies.

23. Leads Settings

The Leads Settings section provides options for managing lead configurations.

  • Set Leads Stages: Define stages for the lead management process.
  • Configure Lead Sources: Create and manage lead sources (e.g., referrals, marketing campaigns).
  • Manage Lead Notifications: Set up notifications for new leads and lead status updates.

24. Task Settings

The Task Settings section allows you to manage configurations for task management.

  • Set Task Priorities: Define and manage priorities for tasks.
  • Configure Task Categories: Create and edit categories for organizing tasks.
  • Manage Task Notifications: Set up notifications for task assignments and due dates.

25. Security Settings

The Security Settings section provides options for managing system security.

  • Set Password Policies: Define policies for password strength and expiration.
  • Configure Two-Factor Authentication: Enable or disable two-factor authentication for added security.
  • Manage Access Logs: Monitor and review access logs for security purposes.

26. Theme Settings

The Theme Settings section allows you to customize the look and feel of the application.

  • Choose Theme: Select a theme from available options.
  • Customize Colors: Adjust color schemes to match your company’s branding.
  • Set Layout Preferences: Configure layout options for the application interface.

27. Module Settings

The Module Settings section provides options for enabling or disabling specific modules.

  • Enable/Disable Modules: Turn on or off specific modules based on your organization’s needs.
  • Configure Module Preferences: Set preferences and configurations for enabled modules.

28. Google Calendar Settings

The Google Calendar Settings section allows you to manage the integration with Google Calendar.

  • Enter Google Credentials: Enter and update credentials for the Google Calendar integration.
  • Configure Sync Settings: Set preferences for syncing events between Office Master and Google Calendar.
  • Manage Calendar Notifications: Set up notifications for synced events and calendar updates.

29. Custom Link Settings

The Custom Link Settings section provides options for adding and managing custom links.

  • Add Custom Links: Enter details for new custom links to be included in the application.
  • Edit Custom Links: Update existing custom link information.
  • Remove Custom Links: Delete custom links that are no longer needed.


By configuring these settings, you can tailor the Office Master application to fit your organization’s specific requirements, ensuring a seamless and efficient project management experience.

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