Business Master


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The Sales module of the system enables users to manage all sales-related activities, including tracking sales, processing sales through POS, handling quotations, managing returns, and more. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform various tasks within the sales module.

1. All Sales

The All Sales feature allows users to view and manage all sales transactions.

  • View Sales List: See all sales transactions with details such as sale date, customer, total amount, and status.
  • Search Sales: Use the search bar to find specific sales by customer, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter Sales: Apply filters to narrow down the sales list based on criteria such as date range, customer, status, etc.
  • Sort Sales: Sort the sales list by different criteria such as date, customer, or total amount.

2. Add Sale

The Add Sale feature allows users to record new sales transactions.

  • Enter Customer Details: Select or enter the customer’s information.
  • Add Products: Choose the products being sold and enter quantities and prices.
  • Set Payment Terms: Define the payment terms for the sale, including due dates and payment methods.
  • Add Notes: Include any additional notes or comments related to the sale.
  • Save Sale: Confirm and save the sales transaction.

3. List POS

The List POS feature allows users to view and manage all Point of Sale (POS) transactions.

  • View POS List: See all POS transactions with details such as transaction date, cashier, total amount, and status.
  • Search POS: Use the search bar to find specific POS transactions by cashier, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter POS: Apply filters to narrow down the POS list based on criteria such as date range, cashier, status, etc.
  • Sort POS: Sort the POS list by different criteria such as date, cashier, or total amount.

4. POS

The POS feature allows users to process sales transactions through a Point of Sale interface.

  • Select Customer: Choose the customer for the sale.
  • Add Products: Scan or select products being sold.
  • Process Payment: Choose the payment method and process the payment.
  • Print Receipt: Print a receipt for the customer.
  • Complete Sale: Finalize and save the sale.

5. Add Draft

The Add Draft feature allows users to save sales transactions as drafts for later completion.

  • Enter Draft Details: Input details such as customer information, products, and quantities.
  • Save Draft: Save the draft for later editing or completion.
  • View Drafts: Access and edit saved drafts from the drafts list.

6. Add Quotation

The Add Quotation feature allows users to create and manage sales quotations for customers.

  • Enter Customer Details: Select or enter the customer’s information.
  • Add Products: Choose the products being quoted and enter quantities and prices.
  • Set Expiry Date: Define the validity period for the quotation.
  • Add Notes: Include any additional notes or comments related to the quotation.
  • Save Quotation: Save the quotation for sending to the customer.
  • Convert to Sale: Convert the quotation to a sales transaction if accepted by the customer.

7. List Sell Return

The List Sell Return feature allows users to view and manage all sales return transactions.

  • View Return List: See all sales return transactions with details such as return date, customer, total amount, and status.
  • Search Returns: Use the search bar to find specific returns by customer, date, or other attributes.
  • Filter Returns: Apply filters to narrow down the return list based on criteria such as date range, customer, status, etc.
  • Sort Returns: Sort the return list by different criteria such as date, customer, or total amount.

8. Shipments

The Shipments feature allows users to manage the shipping of sold products.

  • View Shipments: See all shipment details including shipping date, carrier, tracking number, and status.
  • Add Shipment: Record new shipment details for a sale.
  • Update Shipment: Modify existing shipment information.
  • Track Shipment: Monitor the status and location of shipments.

9. Discounts

The Discounts feature allows users to manage discount schemes and apply them to sales transactions.

  • Create Discount: Define new discount schemes, including percentage or fixed amount discounts.
  • Edit Discount: Modify existing discount schemes.
  • Delete Discount: Remove discounts that are no longer applicable.
  • Apply Discount: Apply discounts to specific sales transactions.

10. Import Sales

The Import Sales feature allows users to bulk upload sales transactions using a CSV file.

  • Download Template: Download the CSV template to ensure proper formatting.
  • Fill Template: Enter sales details into the CSV file.
  • Upload File: Upload the completed CSV file to the system.
  • Review Import: Review the import summary and correct any errors if necessary.
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